Rabbit Repellent That Works

This article will cover rabbit repellent that works. When we think of rabbits we think of harmless furry little creatures. The truth could not be further from the truth. While these little creatures are cute and furry they can wreak havoc and Rabbit Repellent That Worksdevastation to a garden. Rabbit damage can destroy vegetation costing homeowners and gardeners thousands annually. Homeowners using rabbit repellent continues to increase nationally.

There are several reliable signs rabbits are ravaging you garden. Depending on the species of rabbit, small droppings consisting of round pellets ranging from 1/8 to 1/2 inch in diameter can be found scattered about the garden. You may also see visual signs of rabbit fur and hair around the underbrush where rabbits make their home. The most common sign of rabbits is the damage the cause. Visible plant destruction is a sure sign rabbits have invaded your garden.

Rabbits will consume virtually anything green and resembling a tender plant. Rabbits will feed on new grass and in the winter and fall consumes bark and seedlings. In the summer months rabbits will almost always gravitate towards vegetable gardens. According to the University of California, rabbits prefer ornamental plants such as flowers, shrubs, trees and turf plants. Vegetable gardens are always on the menu, consisting of beans, peas, lettuce, carrots, beets and broccoli. In the area of Tree and berry crops rabbits prefer apples, almonds, blackberry, cherry, citrus, pistachio, plum and strawberries. Herbs include cilantro and parsley.

Tree gnawing is a favorite past time for all rabbits. Any tree caught in a rabbit’s path can be subject to destruction. Although any tree can be subject to gnawing trees, they prefer the smooth, light bark and tender shoots of young trees over the older trees and tough heavy bark. Tree gnawing can severely damage young tree and stunting growth. Continuous tree gnawing can completely debark trees removing terminal shots and lateral branches. Rabbits can also be carriers of tularemia, rabbit fever, worms and can be contracted by humans. Take special care when handling wild rabbits or their droppings.

The best means of controlling rabbit damage is by discouraging their presence, making their environment as unpleasant as possible. Rabbit repellent products can be effective at keeping wild rabbit and animals at bay. Most effective rabbit repellent employ either a smell or taste method. University studies have proven this type of repellent to be the most effective method currently available. Professional rabbit control is also available through pest management companies. These companies typically rely on methods that are less then environmentally friendly and may employ toxic chemicals.

Fencing can be an effective means of protecting your garden against rabbits and other wildlife. Chicken wire consisting of ½ to 1 inch mesh is typically employed. Fencing should be at least 24 inches in height. To prevent rabbits from digging under the fence, 6 inches should be buried below ground. Electric fencing can be an expensive option compared to other alternatives.

Whichever option you chose, it is important to maintain consistent vigilance in the application. I would recommend using an effective liquid or granular rabbit repellent before investing in fencing or animal traps. In my experience this is a good cost effective method of repelling rabbits and unwanted animals. Use rabbit repellent that works.

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