Best rabbit repellents that work best

Rabbits can quickly do a lot of damage to gardens, with their eating, digging, and gnawing. Getting rid of these pests, however, is not difficult. In fact, there are a number of ways to do so, and used in combination, can provide the best rabbit repellents that work best.Best rabbit repellents that work best

Taste repellent is an effective way to keep rabbits away from plants. Sprinkling your plants with a strong tasting substance like chili power, laundry detergent, or cinnamon, is an effective way to encourage rabbits to seek a better place to eat. Chili power and various types of soap are popular, but experimenting with ingredients can be a good way to find the best solution. Black pepper is another recommended choice. Substances with sugar should be avoided in order to prevent attracting ants and other insects, and be sure to test new ingredients in small places first, to be sure they will not damage your plants.

Besides making your plants taste repelling, consider planting their favorite treat, clover, in an area nearby, so as to encourage them elsewhere. Few rabbits will turn down a tasty patch of clover in favor of anything else.

Odor deterrents also provide some of the best rabbit repellents that work best. One of the most popular, either commercial or homemade, is one made with putrefied egg solid. These sprays can be bought online, or easily made at home, by cooking an egg, mixing it with about one gallon of water and letting it sit out in the sun for on hour to a day. Splashed on leave, this odor will quickly become undetectable to humans, but the sensitive noses of rabbits, and deer, will smell it, and they will not eat any plants that smell that way.

Another odor deterrent that works is one made with predator urine. Usually purchased through online retailers or from hunting stores, these repellents are usually in powered or pellet form. They work but emit a very unpleasant smell, even to humans, so they are best used on the perimeters of properties if at all, to keep rabbits and other animals who are preyed upon, out.

Scare tactics work well for these timid creatures. Household pets can be a great help, especially terrier or hunting dogs who take pride in guarding their family’s house, and like nothing more than chasing squirrels and rabbits. Even house cats have been known to hunt and kill rabbits. And if you own a house cat, you can use its soiled litter to the same purpose as the above mentioned predator urine.

Scare tactics also work in the form of decoy owls and snakes, which can be places on fence posts, or near suspected rabbit holes.

Finally, one of the best rabbit repellents that work best is a motion-detecting sprinkler system. These can be purchased online for starting at around fifty dollars. They are simple to install, and are able to detect motion from about five hundred feet away (a total of one thousand square feet). Once a rabbit is startled by having a sprinkler turned on it, it will likely find greener pastures.

The best rabbit repellents that work best usually involve a combination of strategies, including at least a couple of those outlined above.

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