10 ways to make your garden rabbit proof

10 ways to make your garden rabbit proof

There is nobody who wouldn’t agree that rabbits are cute and adorable. While watching running across fields at a distance can even pass for a pastime, you certainly wouldn’t want them to come visit your garden.

That said, rather than sitting around sulking over the damage rabbits have caused in your garden, you can take proactive steps to instantly solve this problem. If you have been wondering to yourself; “how do I keep rabbits out of my garden”, good news. We have compiled 10 control techniques which when effectively used would keep bunnies away from your garden for good.

  1. Human hair

Rabbits just like other wild pests like deer are repulsed by the scent of hair, especially that of humans. The good thing about human hair is that they can easily be sourced –you can always ask a barber for some. Not only do human hair scare away bunnies, they at the same time add nutrient to the soil.

  1. Ivory or Irish Spring soap

Certain types of soaps itch the nose of rabbits – Irish Spring or Ivory soap are typical examples. You can either shred up the soap and then spread it in your garden or place them in cheesecloth bags and hang them around your garden.

  1. Predatory Urine

It isn’t only deer that are scared away by the scent of a predator urine. Urine of fox and coyotes work pretty well especially against wild rabbits. You can either purchase one online or from a local store. To use, get cotton balls, soak it in a urine and then place the soaked cotton ball around the perimeter of your garden. For better results, reapply as frequently as possible especially after rainfall.

  1. Blood meal

The smell of blood repulses rabbits, and they would scuttle away wherever they pick up the scent of blood. When applying, ensure the flaked blood does not make direct contact with the plant in your garden – only apply at the base of each plant.

  1. Sprinklers

Equipped with motion detectors that senses the movement of animals, sprinklers work by spraying water on any pest that comes close a protected garden. While some work with batteries, others need to be connected to an electric source to work. Should you decide to install sprinklers in your garden, protect it from moisture to avoid its circuitry from being damaged.

  1. Hot Pepper flakes

Sprinkling hot pepper flakes around your garden is another effective way of making your garden rabbit-proof because bunnies are irritated by the smell of pepper. Spraying chili pepper works too, though a harsher rabbit deterring technique.

  1. Electric Fence

An electric fence delivers small jolts of voltage to any wild animal that tries to trespass. Only ensure the fence is kept low to the ground if you intend using it against rabbits.

  1. Chicken Manure

Covering your garden with manure is a good way of keeping away rabbits.

  1. Garden hose

Some gardeners have found success with garden hose. You can as well try it out too

  1. Fishing line

If you haven’t got money for fencing, fishing line would be your best bet.

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