Rabbit Damage

Rabbit DamageWhere Rabbit Damage Occurs. Even with the cute reputation as seen as cartoon characters, rabbits are considered major pests in certain places or countries. They are largely underestimated by the most of their abilities to breed, eat, chew and dig through most of landscapes. If you are one of the many whose property falls victim to rabbit damage, you need to find ways and take action on how to remove such pests within your property.

Problems caused by rabbits vary depending on the land use. Damage will only get worse once your rabbit is left unregulated. To know where rabbits do usually caused damage will surely help you in your aim, which is to stop or prevent the continuous destruction that rabbits bring.
Below are the sections of common habitats where rabbit damage occurs:

Farmland estates – it is believed the seven rabbits can eat as much as one sheep. Therefore, having small population of rabbits does not give you an assurance as regards to the amount of damage they can cause. You should never let even one rabbit on your farmland to exist for they can easily multiply and so make a great destruction to your property.

You can also find them in areas where livestock and horses are kept – knowing how much rabbit damage could loss grazing, this only implies that you will need to buy extra forage in order to counteract the loss of grazing at your great expense. Foraging rabbits also pose threat to horse and livestock. Usually, animals that break legs in rabbit holes are common, which cause more vet fees to repair the injury.

You can also find them on plantations, forestry, and orchards – rabbits usually cause destruction that almost cost damage of up to hundreds of thousands to such industries every year. Gnawing the whole way around the base of a tree, also called as ring barking is considered the most common problem. Once rabbits have completely removed the tree’s lower bark, tree will die.

Even though rabbits chew only a part the ways around the trunk, it will still cause negative impact as fungi and disease on tress might take hold. This cause trees became unstable and weak. When this happens, negative effect in habitat management takes place.

Rabbit damage may occur in your garden – since rabbits love eating flowers and plants, expect rabbits to cause all sort of problems unto your garden, if not regulated. It would just be annoying keeping your garden aesthetically pleasing when you know that one day, rabbits will just devastate it.

In order to avoid such things, rabbit repellents and other pesticides can be of great help. You just have to look for the right and credible providers or sellers, which will ensure positive results in terms of removing rabbits unto your properties. Do not let these pests destroy your source of income.

Knowing where do rabbits tend to cause damage to your property, you can ensure that the damage can be lessened and be avoided as well.

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