Best Rabbit Repellent for Garden

One of the very best rabbit repellent for garden foliage to deter hungry rabbits from devouring your carefully tended garden plants is usually a sturdy wall or fence secure enough so that they cannot be tunneled under or squeezed through. However, walls and fences can be expensive, and they obstruct views, so they are not always practical.

Best Rabbit Repellent for GardenBesides physical barriers, home owners can look into several varieties of flowers and garden plants that rabbits are less likely to find palatable. Tulips, daffodils, petunias, and geraniums are less likely to be eaten by rabbits, because of their bitter tastes or fuzzy leaves. When other food is readily available nearby, like a meadow, then these plants will usually survive even with rabbits living nearby. Rabbits usually dislike strong herbs like onions and garlic as well.

Rabbit repellents for gardens can be purchased in gardening stores, and the best ones contain egg solids as an ingredient. Store bought repellents are also available in varieties with an added bittering agent. These are effect for ornamental plants like flowers, trees, and grasses, but should be avoided for use on food plants, because the plants can absorb the bitter taste through the roots and throughout the fruit and leaves.

To make a the best rabbit repellent for garden plants at home, an easy mixture of raw or cooked egg and water will usually do the trick. One raw egg, or alternatively, egg solid, can be mixed thoroughly with a gallon of water to create and excellent and natural rabbit repellent. Although raw egg is a faster method of making the solution, some research has suggested that egg solid works even more effectively. The water and egg mixture can be left in the sun to putrefy and make it all the more effective. Other natural ingredients can be added to the egg and water solution. For instance, a few teaspoons of olive, canola, or vegetable oil can facilitate adherence to the plant leaves. Strong spices like cinnamon or chili pepper are used to make the mixture even less appetizing to rabbits and other pests.

Using plain water is an alternative and all natural way to use scare tactics to deter rabbits. Motion detecting sprinklers can be bought online or in stores for a reasonable cost. These can operate both day and night to protect one thousand square feet of property. Rabbits will usually run away when the water turns on and sprays them. The sprinklers also keep away other animals like deer and cats. The motion detector can pick up branches swaying in the wind, and people walking, so depending on the location of the area in need of protection, it may not be the best solution to implement.

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