Rabbit Proof Garden

rabbit proof gardenRabbit Proof Garden is the focus of the article. Getting rid of pests, such as rabbits might be one of your greatest problems you face in maintaining your garden. That is why utilizing a rabbit proof garden can be best for you to prevent rabbits from invading your property and does necessary damages to your flowers and plants in your garden area.

In relation to this, it is recommended to have a rabbit proof fence that will help you with your problems regarding rabbit destruction. You need to look for the quality rabbit proof fence in order to ensure that your garden is no longer the place for rabbits.

Here are the qualities of fence that you need to find for your rabbit proof garden:

Height – if your fence is, a yard in height can be adequate to keep rabbits out because rabbits cannot climb well and so it cannot jump too high to cross over your garden.

Buried wire – rabbits are good at digging under most of fences. That is why it is a must to bury your fence for at least a foot for you to prevent rabbits from simply burrowing under it. The best way to bury your fence is digging a trench for around eight inches wide. Then, you need you have to lay the wire in the trench that forms L shape and L facing outward filling in the trench. L shape is proven effective to keep rabbits from digging into your garden.

Small mesh – usually, garden fences are wire net or mesh. The best mesh is Chicken wire since even baby bunnies could not squeeze through the mesh openings.

Electrified fence – once you put an electric fence around the outside base of your fence will surely shock any living being who would try burrowing under or pushing through it. With you aim to have a Rabbit proof garden, electrified fence can be an effective and efficient one.

You just need two hot wires, one that is four inches from the ground and one that is two inches from ground. As soon as rabbit touches the two wires, it will close a circuit that causes to shock rabbits. It will not kill the rabbits but instead will repel them.

How to Build Rabbit Fence? For your Rabbit proof garden, you need to purchase chicken wire with at least 60 inches high. This is to ensure that fence is at least 36 inches high once building rabbit fence is done. For every ten feet, you need to have steel fence posts. Then, dig a trench eight inches wide and one foot deep at the bottom of the whole fence. Next is laying the chicken wire in the trench that forms an L shapes out toward the outside of your fence. After that, you can now attach the wire to the poles and by filling the trench with dirt will complete the process.

Considering a quality rabbit fence and following the appropriate ways on how to install or build the fence will surely ensure that you will have the Rabbit proof garden you have been yearning for.

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