Rabbit Repellent Reviews

Rabbit Repellent ReviewsIn this article we will discuss rabbit repellent reviews and homemade Vs. Commercial Repellent. Wild rabbits are one of the major reason which causes extensive damage to many household’s unprotected gardens and yards. Though rabbit fencing has been used before as an alternative way to keep wild rabbit away from their gardens and yards, it is not a cost-effective or practical way to construct fences in your area, particularly if the perimeter of the fence around your whole property is wide. Furthermore, wild rabbits can still make their way inside your garden when rust and other damages in your fence has started to occur, thus accumulating holes through it where rabbits can pass through. In this case, one of the best solution at hand to protect your garden from this ‘small but annoying animals’ is to use a rabbit repellent as an alternative.

Commercial pellets, homemade mixture, sprays and mechanical ‘scare’ methods are some of the few forms of rabbit repellents. These repellents are readily available in online shops and nearby rabbit repellent stores—all comes with varying degrees of success depending on the quality and way of its operation. For most homeowners, these repellents is one of the most economical and practical decision to make when it comes to protecting their yards and fields compared to constructing a fence, which on the other hand can be somehow expensive. At a very first glance, homemade repellents may appear cheaper compared to other methods, but if you weigh all the factors, commercial repellents can immediately make up ground. Here are some of the reasons why commercial rabbit repellent are far much better than homemade repellents:

• Homemade repellents don’t last long compared to commercial-grade repellents. Reapplication is still needed from these homemade recipes, usually, twice every week or sooner after heavy rains or watering. But commercial rabbit repellent on the other hand, can offer maximum protection for your garden for more than 90 days before any reapplication is needed.

• Many homemade repellent may appear to be similar to active ingredients used in many commercial products, but in reality, they are not. Most ingredients used in commercial rabbit repellent are specially formulated which is difficult for homeowners to obtain. Although there are some substitutes for these specialized formula which are used is homemade repellents, however, they are not as effective as the commercial grade ingredients.

• Most ingredients used in homemade remedies are sometimes dangerous to handle. For example, one of the suggested homemade methods that is circulating round the web involves blending of 3 types of hot pepper (including habaneros) into a liquid. This method warns homeowners to wear proper set of gloves while preparing the mixture since habanero is one of the hottest peppers in the world. Thus, getting any part of the pepper on your eyes, skin, mouth or other parts of your body can result to lot pain. Even the residues left on the cutting board, food processor or blender may be difficult to clean completely, therefore leaving a nasty surprise for the next person to use the kitchen tool or appliance.

• Most of the commercial rabbit repellents offered in reputable stores are generally approved by USDA (made from natural and safe ingredients).

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