Best Rabbit Repellent Homemade

Although rabbits are arguably the cutest little creatures you could see frolicking in your garden, they will quickly wear out their welcome with their destructive ways: eating your plants, digging burrows that destroy plants and create hazards, gnawing on wood and plastic materials like decks, porches, and garden hoses in order to keep their teeth short, and, of course, bringing their large families along with them. Luckily, rabbit problems are fairly simple to take care of with just a few easy steps, and the best rabbit repellent is homemade with ingredients most people already have in their pantries or refrigerators. This detailed article will explore the best rabbit repellent homemade, so you can finally be free of pesky rabbits eating your gardenBest Rabbit Repellent Homemade

Because rabbits are herbivores (vegetarians), they are easily repelled by any food that emits a meaty smell. This repelling odor can be achieved by mixing up a repellent using raw or cooked eggs.  The best rabbit repellent homemade with eggs and water is one that contains putrefied egg solid at a ratio of about one egg to each gallon of water. The key component to repelling the rabbit is the putrefied egg solid, because they instinctively avoid the meat-like odor. Other ingredients can be added to the mixture, such as spicy chili powder or cinnamon, which some believe adds a bad taste just to make sure the rabbits aren’t tempted to eat.

To make the mixture, simply cook and finely dice an egg, mix it with one gallon of water, and leave it to sit out an hour or more in the sun, until the spell is very noticeable.

This mixture can be sprayed directly onto plants that need to be protected from rabbits, and in an enclosed area, is should also be sprayed around any areas where the rabbits may be entering the yard, if it is not possible to block these entrances. The mixture should be reapplied regularly, and especially after it rains, watering the yard with a sprinkler, or after new growth appears on you plants. If it is sprayed onto food plants, the food should be washed completely in advance of eating.

Rabbits also dislike spicy substances, and plants may be sprinkled with chili powder, cinnamon, and other ingredients that may deter the rabbits from nibbling. Powdered laundry soap can also be sprinkled directly onto plants, or along the borders of beds, to repel rabbits, and bars of strong deodorant soap can be placed among the plants. Homeowners should experiment with various solutions to determine the most effective for their respective situations. The best rabbit repellent homemade with ingredients from the kitchen is one that will sometimes change, as rabbits become accustomed to various tastes and smells.

Using these taste and smell repellents are not only the easiest way to keep rabbits out the yard, they boast other advantages, such as being cost effective, and also keeping other nuisance animals, like deer, away. Combined with other tactics, like setting up sprinklers during times you see rabbits, using plastic snakes or owl decoys, and blocking holes and entrances can keep rabbits away indefinitely.

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