Best Rabbit Deterrents

Some of the best rabbit deterrents are scare tactics, because rabbits are naturally very timid animals, scared of almost anything. Any loud noise or sudden movement will send a rabbit scurrying away, stopping only to thump and warn other rabbits to also flee. Scare tactics can be set up by homeowners by simply having a dog, or even an athletic tom cat, to chase rabbits away, or by using a motion detecting device. Motion detecting sprinklers are one of the best rabbit deterrents, and they are also ideas for homeowners who to not wish to use chemicals or inhumane methods to deal with nuisance animals. A motion detecting sprinkler can be bought at almost any home gardening center or online through retailers like Amazon, starting at about fifty dollars.Best Rabbit Deterrents

These devices can sense motion in daylight or in the dark, and will activate a sprinkler when they do. Getting sprinkled with water will not only send rabbits running, but also cats, deer, and most other garden intruders who don’t like to get wet, or are just easily startled. Motion detectors can also be used to set up sound alarms, which are also effective for a number of animals, and human intruders as will.

Some of the other best rabbit deterrent available involves spray on repellents that can be sprayed onto plants that rabbits like to eat. The best spray on deterrents are made out of putrefied egg solid. The smell of rotten eggs send rabbits (and deer too) away looking for other food. The egg smell most likely deters them due to its meat-like smell, when they instinctively avoid. Some other ingredients can be added to a deterrent like this, such as chili power, cinnamon oil, or clove oil. The strong odors and tastes also deter rabbits from eating plants.

These types of repellents can be made right at home out of ingredients you already have in your kitchen, but repellents with these ingredients are also readily available for purchase online or retailers that sell gardening supplies. These types of rabbit deterrents are organic and biodegradable, and they are an excellent choice for homeowners who are conscience about protecting the environment. They are also nontoxic, so that are safe to use in home that have pets and children. They are even safe to use on food plants, however, getting them on food that will absorb the taste of be difficult to wash, should be avoided (food like raspberries, strawberries, broccoli, etc.).

Sprays can also be bought at pet stores that contain bittering agents. These are popular puppy training tool to keep puppies from chewing on furniture, doors, and other items, but they are also effective on outside plants for rabbits and deer. They have a bad taste, which is why they work, so again, avoid getting in on food that you plan to eat.

Many homeowners find that the best rabbit deterrents are strategically placed Irish Spring bars of soap strategically throughout areas where rabbits frequent will keep them away.

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