Best Commercial Rabbit Control

Commercial rabbit repellent is one of many available options for homeowners who are struggling with nuisance rabbits digging up their landscapes and eating their homegrown fruits and vegetables. Spray-on rabbit repellent can be very effective for deterring rabbits from just about any type of plant, and it can be made at home, or bought commercially.  For busy homeowners, or gardeners who do not want to deal with the hassle of making a mixture at home or with handling raw eggs, a commercial product can be every bit as effective, as long as you know what to look for on the ingredients label.Best Commercial Rabbit Control

Gardeners have many options for choosing a commercial rabbit repellent for gardens, and it can be difficult to determine which one will be the most effective for deterring rabbits, the safest for plants and people, and the easiest to use. Chemical free options are the best option, especially for homes with pets, children, and for gardens with vegetables and fruits that will be consumed.

The best commercial rabbit control produces will have putrefied egg solid as a listed ingredient. Other ingredients listed on the labels may include an oil or oils such as vegetable oil or mint oil, which are usually added to help the rabbit repellent adhere onto the leaves of the plants. Water, gum, and preservatives are also common ingredients to expect in the best commercial rabbit control products, and those are added not to deter the rabbits, but to help the deterrent work better, last longer, and to achieve the best strength.  Any rabbit deterrent should be reapplied after it rains or after watering with a sprinkler, or when new growth appears on the plants.  Commercial rabbit deterrent can be purchased in both a concentrated strength version or in ready-to-use concentrations, and is available in gardening stores, home improvement stores, and also through many online retailers.

Another variety of commercial rabbit repellent for gardens is pellets or powder derived from fox urine, or mixtures with the same ingredients. These are available from some hunting and gaming stores, and on the Internet.  While they have been shown to be somewhat effective, this method is not without drawbacks of controversy. For example, the methods for protracting the urine from the predatory animals is thought by some to be inhumane. Additionally, they emit a very strong and unpleasant odor, which repels rabbits, but is also offensive to humans. Finally, they are more expensive and generally acknowledges to be less effective than an egg mixture, and no one wants to spray their fruit and vegetables with urine.

In summary, while there are many commercial rabbit repellent products available, from electronic systems to sprays, the best commercial rabbit control products will be sprays with putrefied egg solid as one of the listed ingredients. And added benefit to these excellent repellents is that they will also act as control for nuisance deer and other animals similar to these mammalian herbivores.


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