Commercial Deer Repellents that Landscape

Commercial deer repellents that landscape do double duty when they both beautify an outdoor area and also keep pesky deer from eating and trampling expensive and beautiful plants and crops. There are quite a few landscaping solutions to choose from, or use in combination, that will deter and repel deer from one’s yard.Commercial Deer Repellents that Landscape

The most obvious solution, and perhaps the most expensive (but long lasting) out of all the the commercial deer repellents that landscape are barriers, and they are also the most reliable. Deer are well known to eat any type of plant when hungry enough, and plants that have been sprayed with repellent usually need to be resprayed frequently. A fence or garden wall, however, can serve multiple purposes. They not only keep intruders of all kinds off of one’s property, they also keep children and family pets safely within, they provide privacy, and if done correctly, can even be a beautiful addition to one’s landscape architecture. In order to keep a deer out of a yard completely, a fence should be built to be about six feet high, because deer are very good jumpers. However, in areas where other plants are abundant, shorter fences and walls are enough to keep the deer out. Deer will eat the food that is the most readily available and requires the least effort to get to, so erecting a wall will make it just a little harder to get to, especially for mother deer who wish to keep their young with them.

Barrier shrubs are another excellent choice to keep deer out, and they may be combined with a fence or used alone. Holly shrubs grow well in many of the climate zones throughout the world, and they provide beautiful privacy shrubs that also keep out animals and humans who want to avoid their sharp evergreen leaves.

There are many fertilizers available that claim to deter deer. These are usually made from dried blood, which is a byproduct of meet processing. The dried blood is an excellent fertilizer, and it also acts as a deterrent for deer, mice, rabbits, and other such animals. The smell of blood either smells like meat, which they do not want to eat, or it activates their fearful instinct of predators. Whatever the reason these products can be excellent commercial deer repellents that landscape professionals rely on to both beautify their plants with fertilizer, but to protect them from the damage done by browsing deer.

Some other commercial deer repellents that landscape include flowers that deer are less likely to eat. In general, these plants include leaves with a bitter taste, prickles, fuzzy leaves, or a combinations. Geranium leaves are disliked by deer, but their flowers can make tasty treats. Four O’clocks, marigolds, lavender, and many herbs that have a strong scent are less likely to be eaten by deer on the lookout for a meal. Prickly plants like yucca and cacti are a good landscaping plant for more arid zones.

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