Best Dog Repellent Granular

Dog repellents can be used effectively for a wide variety of purposes. For instance, they can be used to keep the loose neighborhood dogs from relieving themselves in your yard, or to keep stray and wandering dogs off your property, and they can be used to train your own dogs to stay away from the dog free zones in your yard, such as flower beds, or lawns that children play on. Dog urine can leave unsightly brown patches in any lawn, and many dogs love to dig in a freshly planted flower bed. These types of problems can be quickly stopped and avoided with an effective dog repellent.Best Dog Repellent Granular

Dog repellents are available for purchase in a number of forms. Ultrasonic noises will deter dogs by using irritating sounds, and invisible fences will apply a little shock to dogs who cross the line. Spray-on dog repellents work by repelling the dogs with odors that are offensive to their very sensitive noses. Another type of dog repellent that works very well because of its odor are the products that come in granular form. The best dog repellent granular product should be found by looking at the active ingredients. The odors that repel dogs are usually pleasantly surprising to humans, and are most often derived from plants. When selecting a product to use with your dog, look for a repellent that contains some type of essential oils. The granular products are typically made from essential oils such as clove oil, eucalyptus oil, citrus oil, citronella oil, and peppermint oil. These odors may be pleasant to humans in small amounts, but most dogs are very adverse to them and will avoid them when possible. Dog repellents in spray form are availability too, but they must be reapplied more often that the granular products, so for the best dog repellent, granular form is possibly the most practical, since it usually only needs reapplying once a month.

The unpleasant odor of the granular dog repellent works because it is a form of negative reinforcement for the dog. When the dog enters territory where it is not wanted, it receives a negative sensation, in this case, a smell, and so it learns to avoid that area. For best results, dog owners should combine the negative reinforcement of the dog repellent with positive reinforcement when the dog spends time in areas where it is wanted. For example, when the dog relieves itself in the area of the yard where it is supposed to, it should receive praise and a treat. Likewise, when dog lies down on a dog bed instead of the flower bed, it should receive a reward.

Soon, using the best dog repellent granular product will need to be applied less often, because the dog(s) will be trained to avoid whatever areas you’ve wanted them to. In this away, dog repellent can be an excellent training device for dog owners to teach their dogs where to play, poop, and nap.

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